National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) | High School STEM Programs
At the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) take part in exciting hands-on workshops and simulations as your explore a future in one of today's most intriguing STEM professions. Select from 13 outstanding STEM summer programs: including Psychology and Neuroscience.
Harvard University: Seven-Week Program for High School Students
Imagine studying at Harvard for seven weeks, fully immersed in the college experience. Whether you choose to live on campus, commute, or take courses online, you’ll have the opportunity to explore complex topics, gain valuable life skills, and form lasting bonds. Students can take courses in Psychology and Neuroscience, Medicine, Ethics, and Healthcare, etc.!
Biological & Biomedical Science (Summer Session at Yale)
Biological & Biomedical Science (BBS) is designed for students who are fascinated by the life sciences, from the molecular level of protein interactions to the interdependence of life in different ecosystems.
NSU: AIM-High Medical Immersion Program
Interested in a future career in medicine or science? Achieve in Medicine (AIM-High) is a medical school immersion program for high school students, at the Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine. Interact with doctors and medical students. Get hands-on experience in medical field.
Duke University Youth Programs: Neurosciences Camp
This camp at Duke University addresses two primary areas of study within the neurosciences: cognitive neuroscience and neuroethics. In addition to focusing on these two areas of study through workshops, lectures & seminars, students will learn about the broader field of neuroscience through presentations and laboratory tours from researchers affiliated with Duke, especially those working within the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences (DIBS).
Drexel University: Neuroscience Camp For High School Students
Drexel University College of Medicine is seeking highly motivated current high school juniors and sophomores who are enrolled in an academic curriculum and demonstrate strong interest in neuroscience topics and research. The Neuroscience Camp features a lab project that will include slide mounting, tissue staining and microscopy imaging and analysis. Participants will also receive instruction in literature searching and project presentation.
Rice University: RNS NeuroCamp
RNS NeuroCamp has three main goals: educating, mentoring, and researching. To achieve our goal of educating our participants, the camp will engage students in introductory neuroscience topics like neurons and neurotransmission, neurological diseases, and neuroanatomy through interactive lectures, discussions, and hands-on bench science.
Camp Neuro
Camp Neuro and Camp Cardiac, run by local medical students in over 30 cities nationwide, serves as an ideal introduction for any high school student interested in exploring a career in medicine or psychology.
UCLA: NeuroCamp
NeuroCamp is a free BRI summer outreach program that brings together a group of 15-20 highly motivated high school students in an instructional course introducing them to neuroscience. Students will learn the fundamentals concepts of neuroscience and basic lab techniques in Molecular Neurobiology, Neurophysiology and Neuroanatomy.
The Brain Bee
The Brain Bee is an international competition that was developed with the overall mission of raising awareness of neuroscience and promoting the education of neuroscience among pre-collegiate level students. Students compete in 3 major levels: regional, national, and international.